Exclusive Conversation with Mark & Jan Foreman


Something we mention a lot in The Rhythm of Us are these incredible couples God has brought across our path who have been married many decades longer than us, and somehow managed to stay wildly in love with God and with each other. One of these mentor couples is Mark & Jan Foreman.

Mark and Jan have been married 48 years. They’ve been in ministry as local church pastors together for decades, raised and launched two amazing sons who you might know - Jon & Tim Foreman from the band Switchfoot.  And they are also the authors of one of our holy grail/ very favorite parenting books called Never Say No.  

We got to sit down with Mark & Jan to learn more about the rhythms that have strengthened their marriage over the last 48 years and we also did a wonderful deep dive into the rhythm they inspired in our book, The Rhythm of Slowing Down, or what we all like to call, “Stepping Into the Painting.”  

We learned SO much from this incredible conversation.  As you’ll see in the video, we all can’t stop smiling, just so grateful to sit down together and learn all we can from these two wise sages, about loving God and each other well! So thankful to Mark & Jan for sharing their life and wisdom with us, and we are so thrilled to share this conversation with you!

Get your pen & paper ready - this is a good one!

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